Natural language inference (NLI)

Da Wiki AI.
Versione del 17 ago 2024 alle 16:27 di Mindmakerbot (discussione | contributi)
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Il problema di determinare implicazioni e contraddizioni fra una premessa e un ipotesi

Esempi da MultiNLI:

Premise Label Hypothesis
The Old One always comforted Ca'daan, except today. neutral Ca'daan knew the Old One very well.
Your gift is appreciated by each and every student who will benefit from your generosity. neutral Hundreds of students will benefit from your generosity.
Telephone Speech
yes now you know if if everybody like in August when everybody's on vacation or something we can dress a little more casual or contradiction August is a black out month for vacations in the company.
9/11 Report
At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, people began to line up for a White House tour. entailment People formed a line at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue.